Time Management Study Tips for Students
School life, homework, extra-curricular activities, socializing and so forth make for a very busy day for most students. So where is the time to study one may ask! In this blog post we list several ways you can get the most from your revision by following these time-management study tips.
Plan Ahead
Spending just a few minutes each night thinking about what you need to get done the following day will work wonders. For example, if you are going to study straight after School pack some extra lunch or if you have a heavy training session on the following day after School allow yourself some time to relax before you hit the books.
Tackle the most important tasks first. Write out a to-do list of what you wish to cover in order of importance. The use of a weekly planner can be very helpful.
Dedicated Study Space
Studying for exams requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Having an area that you can be left alone without distractions is key to effective revision. Make sure the area is quiet, roomy, well ventilated, neat and tidy. Avoid the temptation to use your phone to check social media or text your friends while you are studying.
Develop a Routine
Developing a routine is a tried and trusted method for success, a habit deployed by many successful businesspeople and sports stars. Having a consistent routine in place for your revision will help you a lot.
Study in Short Bursts
Using short study bursts of 30 minutes or so has proved very successful for many people. Trying to work on one thing for too long often results in the student losing focus. Taking short breaks between study sessions is a good way to recharge and refocus oneself.
Do not be Afraid to ask for Help
Even the best students need assistance from time-to-time. Do not be afraid to ask for help. This could be with your study routine, a specific exam subject or something else. Reach out to family members, friends and teachers.
Exam Revision Made Easy with ExamCast.ie
For more tips on Exam Revision please visit our recent Blog Post entitled ‘Exam Revision Tips’. To explore our range of video solutions to exam questions for both the Junior Cycle and Leaving Cert exams click here.
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